Objective: practice a wrap-up project that encompasses most of the workshop

Project - set-up

theme_set(theme_bw(14)) # if you wish to get this theme by default


As you already experienced, working with GEO datasets can be a hassle. But it provides also a nice exercise as it requires to manipulate of a lot of tables (data.frame and/or matrix). Here, we will investigate the relationship between the expression of ENTPD5 and mir-182 as it was described by Pizzini et al.. Even if the data are already normalised and should be ready to use, you will see that reproducing the claimed results still requires an extensive amount of work.

Retrieve the GEO study

The GEO dataset of interest is GSE35834


after NCBI moved its pages from http to https make sure that to have GEOquery version > 2.39


To help figuring out the ExpressionSet object, see the figure below. Mind that for this project, the list GSE contains 2 ExpressionSets!

Explore the mRNA expression meta-data

You can use phenoData() to get informations on samples or pData() to retrieve them directly as a data.frame.

Explore the mir expression meta-data

Join the meta-data

We would like to somehow join both informations.
Knowing that both data frames have different sample columns, merge them to get the correspondence between RNA GSM* and mir GSM*. Save the result as rna_mir.


If 2 data.frames that are joined (by specific columns) have identical names in their remaining columns, the default suffixes ‘.x’ and ‘.y’ are appended to the concerned column names from the first and second data frames respectively. However, you can make more friendly suffixes that match your actual data using the suffix = c(".x", ".y") option.

Get RNA expression data for the ENTPD5 gene

Expression data can be accessed using exprs() which returns a matrix.


If you do not pipe the command to head, R would print ALL rows (or until it reaches max.print).

exprs(gse35834[[1]]) %>% head()
fData(gse35834[[1]]) %>% head()

Again, we need to merge both informations to assign the expression data to the gene of interest.

  1. Find the common values that that allow us to join both data frames.

  2. The rownames contain the necessary informations. But as a matrix contains, by definition, only a single data type (here numerical values), you will need to transform it to a data.frame and convert the rownames to a column using rownames_to_column(var = "ID").
    Save the result as rna_expression

  3. merge the expression data to the platform annotations (fData(gse35834[[1]])). Save the result as rna_expression (Don’t worry: R is always working on temporary objects and you won’t erase the object you are working on).


Warnings about factors being coerced to characters can be ignored.

  1. Find the Entrez gene id for ENTPD5. Usually, the gene symbol is given in the annotation, but each GEO submission is a new discovery.

  2. Filter rna_expression for the gene of interest (ENTPD5) and tidy the samples:
    A column sample for all GSM* and a column rna_expression containing the expression values. Save the result as rna_expression_melt. At this point you should get a tibble of 80 values.

  3. Add the meta-data and discard the columns ID, SPOT_ID and sample_mir. Save the result as rna_expression_melt.

Get mir expression data for miR-182

  1. Repeat the previous step but using exprs(gse35834[[2]]) for the mir_expression. This time, the mir names are nicely provided by fData(gse35834[[2]]) in the column miRNA_ID_LIST.

  2. How many rows do you obtain? How many are expected?

  3. Find out what happened, and plot the boxplot distribution of expression by ID

  4. Filter out the irrelevant IDs using grepl in the filter function.


adding ! to a condition means NOT. Example filter(iris, !grepl("a", Species)): remove all Species containing the letter “a”.

  1. Add the meta-data, count the number of rows. Discard the column sample_rna after joining.

join both expression

Join rna_expression_melt and mir_expression_melt by their common columns EXCEPT sample. Save the result as expression.

Examine gene expression according to meta data

  1. Plot the gene expression distribution by Gender. Is there any obvious difference?

  2. Plot gene AND mir expression distribution by Gender. Is there any obvious difference?


You will need to tidy by gathering rna and mir expression

  1. Plot gene AND mir expression distributions by source (control / cancer). To make it easier, a quick hack is separate(expression, source_name_ch1, c("source", "rest"), sep = 12) to get source as control / cancer. Is there any difference?

  2. Do the same plot as in 3. but reorder the levels so that normal colon appears first. Display normal in “lightgreen” and cancer in “red” using scale_fill_manual().

plot relation ENTPD5 ~ mir-182 as scatter-plot for all patients

linear models

The estimate of the intercept is not meaningful thus it is filtered out. One can easily see that the slope is not significant when data are slipped by source.

Perform a linear model for the expression of ENTPD5 and ALL mirs