This short tutorial will allow you to explore dplyr functionality based on the previous lecture. Every question can be answered with a combination of %>% pipes. You should refrain from using temporary variables and statements outside of the range of the tidyverse.


If you are missing `biomaRt, install with

  1. Get data for chromosome 21 from biomaRt. Use Rmarkdown and set the chunk option ‘cache = TRUE’
## Loading required package: methods
gene_mart <- useMart(biomart="ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", host="")
gene_set <- useDataset(gene_mart , dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")

gene_by_exon <-as_tibble(getBM(
  mart = gene_set,
  attributes = c(
  filter = "chromosome_name",
  value = "21"
  1. Extract the processed pseudogenes from the genes_by_exon data set. Convert genes_by_exon data set to a tibble Use glimpse() to find the correct columns and distinct() to identify how pseudogenes are coded. Store the results in a tibble pseudogenes


gene_by_exon <- gene_by_exon %>% 

pseudogenes <- gene_by_exon %>% 
  filter(gene_biotype == "processed_pseudogene")
  1. Count the number of pseudogenes in the set (without referring to table() obviously )


pseudogenes %>% count()
## # A tibble: 1 × 1
##       n
##   <int>
## 1   170
  1. Extract a unique set of gene ids without redunancy of transcripts and exon information. Store the results in a tibble called genes


gene_by_exon %>% 
  dplyr::select(-ensembl_transcript_id, -ensembl_exon_id) %>% 
  distinct()-> genes
  1. Sort the genes by their length.


gene_by_exon %>%
  mutate(length=end_position-start_position) %>% 
## # A tibble: 19,330 × 12
##    ensembl_gene_id ensembl_transcript_id ensembl_exon_id chromosome_name
##              <chr>                 <chr>           <chr>           <int>
## 1  ENSG00000266692       ENST00000581669 ENSE00002724833              21
## 2  ENSG00000275523       ENST00000611656 ENSE00003745719              21
## 3  ENSG00000264063       ENST00000577708 ENSE00002724720              21
## 4  ENSG00000277437       ENST00000614492 ENSE00003754026              21
## 5  ENSG00000275167       ENST00000611994 ENSE00003717901              21
## 6  ENSG00000283904       ENST00000385060 ENSE00001500066              21
## 7  ENSG00000284448       ENST00000290239 ENSE00003729123              21
## 8  ENSG00000275166       ENST00000622292 ENSE00003738277              21
## 9  ENSG00000201025       ENST00000364155 ENSE00001438918              21
## 10 ENSG00000263681       ENST00000582241 ENSE00002698395              21
## # ... with 19,320 more rows, and 8 more variables: start_position <int>,
## #   end_position <int>, hgnc_symbol <chr>, hgnc_id <chr>, strand <int>,
## #   gene_biotype <chr>, phenotype_description <chr>, length <int>
  1. Calculate the average length per gene by gene_biotype.


gene_by_exon %>%
  mutate(length=end_position-start_position) %>% 
  group_by(gene_biotype) %>% 
  summarize(mean_lenght = floor(mean(length)))
## # A tibble: 19 × 2
##                          gene_biotype mean_lenght
##                                 <chr>       <dbl>
## 1            3prime_overlapping_ncRNA        3643
## 2                           antisense       34382
## 3                           IG_V_gene         435
## 4                             lincRNA      105951
## 5                               miRNA          86
## 6                            misc_RNA         145
## 7                processed_pseudogene        1006
## 8                processed_transcript       72905
## 9                      protein_coding      139095
## 10                         pseudogene         103
## 11                               rRNA         132
## 12                     sense_intronic       12055
## 13                  sense_overlapping       40989
## 14                             snoRNA         118
## 15                              snRNA         116
## 16                                TEC        2413
## 17   transcribed_processed_pseudogene       97124
## 18 transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene       84268
## 19             unprocessed_pseudogene       12495
  1. Calculate the total number of genes and their average length by gene_biotype.


genes %>%
  mutate(length=end_position-start_position) %>% 
  group_by(gene_biotype) %>% 
  summarize(mean_length = floor(mean(length)),
            n_gene = n_distinct(ensembl_gene_id))
## # A tibble: 19 × 3
##                          gene_biotype mean_length n_gene
##                                 <chr>       <dbl>  <int>
## 1            3prime_overlapping_ncRNA        3643      1
## 2                           antisense       16677     81
## 3                           IG_V_gene         435      1
## 4                             lincRNA       27550    192
## 5                               miRNA          86     29
## 6                            misc_RNA         145     24
## 7                processed_pseudogene         818    141
## 8                processed_transcript       83106      7
## 9                      protein_coding       82332    233
## 10                         pseudogene         103      1
## 11                               rRNA         132      9
## 12                     sense_intronic        6817     17
## 13                  sense_overlapping       27095      8
## 14                             snoRNA         118     15
## 15                              snRNA         116     21
## 16                                TEC        1938     16
## 17   transcribed_processed_pseudogene       49814      3
## 18 transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene       65976      6
## 19             unprocessed_pseudogene        6128     32
  1. What is the most frequent single word in the phenotype description on chromosome 21? Split the column using separate, gather the columns and count in a single dplyr statement.


gene_by_exon %>% 
  dplyr::select(phenotype_description) %>% 
  distinct() %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  separate(phenotype_description , LETTERS[1:15], extra="drop", fill="right") %>% 
  gather(everything(), key="position", value="word") %>% 
  mutate(word=tolower(word)) %>% 
  count(word) %>% 
## # A tibble: 207 × 2
##          word     n
##         <chr> <int>
## 1        <NA>  1014
## 2    syndrome    22
## 3        type    16
## 4  deficiency    13
## 5          to    12
## 6   autosomal    11
## 7       early     9
## 8    cataract     8
## 9           1     7
## 10    disease     7
## # ... with 197 more rows